At the last moment of the past Financial Year 2013-14 and Assessment Year 2014-15, most of the Govt and Non Govt Concerned yet not able to prepare the Income Tax Form 16 for their Employees, which must be deliver this Form 16 within June 2014. If you are willing to prepare the Form 16 as manually it is not possible to deliver the same in due time and it is most hazard. If you create a Data Base in your System, then you also can not be able to prepare the huge quantity of Form 16. Various Concerned have huge employee who are working and also given the Form 16 to them in due time. 

Below given an Excel based Software which can prepare at a time 100 employees Form 16 Part A&B for the Financial Year 2013-14 and Assessment Year 2014-15.
Main Feature of this Excel Utility :-

  • Automatic Calculate the Income Tax as per the Income Tax Rules
  • Automatic Prepare the Form 16 Part A&B both after filling the employee's Salary details
  • Easy to Generate and easy to install in any system
  • This is just like as Excel Work Book
  • It can run in Office 2003 or 2007 or 2010
  • Prevent the Double Entry of Pan Number and Name of the Employee
  • Automatic Convert the Amount in to the in words 
  • All the Income Tax Section have in this Utility and you can view at a glance

Click here to download the Automated Master of Form 16 (100 employees) for FY 2013-14