As per the New Finance Budget 2015, has increased some limit of Income Tax Section which is given below. Most of the employees not to able the Maximum Limit of Washing/Uniform Allowances U/s 10(14A) here is given below the how much limit of Uniform Allowances.

When exemption depends upon actual expensiture by the employee – The following allowances are exempt under section 10(14) to the extent the amount is utilised for the specified purpose for which the allowance is received . In other words, in the cases given below the amount of exemption under section 10(14) is_
1.  The amount of the allowance ; or
2. The amount utilised for the specific purpose for which allowance is given,
whichever is low .
Exemption is available on the aforesaid basis in the case of following allowances-
  Name of the         allowance
            Nature of allowance
Travelling allowance/transfer allowance
Any allowance (by whatever name called) granted to meet the cost of travel on tour or on transfer(including any sum paid in connection with transfer, packing and transportation of personal effects on such transfer).
Conveyance allowance
Conveyance allowance granted to meet the expenditure on conveyance in the performance of duties of an office
Note pls.: Expenditure for covering the journey between office and residence is not treated as expenditure in performance of duties of the office and, consequently, such expenditure is not exempt from tax under this section. This allowance is covered separately under “Transport allowance” where a fixed exemption uptoRs 800 per month is given to such allowances in case of all employees. However, with introduction of finance act 2015 such exemption is increase to Rs. 1600 per month with prospective effect.
Conveyance allowances given to an employees for travelling done by employee for attending income tax hearing for presenting income tax hearing
Daily allowance
Any allowance whether granted on tour or for the period of journey in connection with transfer, to meet the ordinary daily charges incurred by an employee on account of absence from his normal place of duty.
Helper allowance
Any allowance (by whatever name called) to meet the expenditure on a helper where such helper is engaged for the performance of official duties.
Research allowance
Any allowance (by whatever name called) granted for encouraging theca academic research and other professional of official duties.
Uniform allowance
Any allowance (by whatever name called) to meet the expenditure on the purchase or maintenance of uniform for wear during the performance of duties of an office.

Pls. note: Benefit under this allowance can be taken only when a specific uniform is prescribed for office duties.