A joint home advance is commonly taken to improve home advance qualification. In the event that your close relative is salaried or independently employed, the individual in question can be co-candidate for a home credit. So as to become co-candidate, he/she ought to be co-proprietor or joint proprietor of the property.


As of late, I have gone over one episode identified with Home Loan. One of my partners had bought a level in his name by taking a home credit. He began paying off EMI from his pay. At a later stage, his significant other has additionally begun an occupation and acquiring good pay. He needed to spare duty from his significant other's pay by paying EMI of home credit. Nonetheless, as he has not taken a joint home advance his better half couldn't guarantee the annual tax cut.


There are numerous occurrences like this where individuals don't know about Joint Home Loan tax cuts or because of the absence of future vision, they buy property on a solitary name by taking a home credit. To help them here is finished data about Joint Home credit including related advantages.

 The the main feature of this Excel Utility:-
1)   Prepare At time 100 Employees  Excel Based  Form 16 Part B ( Modified Format of Form 16 Part A&B Vide CBDT Notification No.36/2019 Dated 12/04/2019 ]
2)   All the Amended Income Tax Section have in this utility as per Budget 2019
3)   You can print individual Form 16 Part  A&B
4)   Most easy to install just like an Excel File
5)   Easy to Fill all column
6)   Automatic Convert the Amount to the In-Words

Essential to guarantee Tax Benefits on Property


           You must be a co-proprietor in the property – You should be a proprietor in the property to apply for tax cuts. An advance ought to be taken together. In the event that you are not the proprietor of a property, you can't guarantee tax reductions.


           You must be a co-borrower for the advance – The home credit ought to be taken as a joint home advance as a co-borrower. A co-borrower not adding to the EMI can't guarantee any tax breaks.


           The development of the property must be finished – The development of the property ought to be finished. Tax reductions are not stretched out for under-development properties.


Who can be Co-borrower or Co-proprietor in Joint Home Loan?


Anybody can be co-proprietor of the property. No law administers who can be included as a joint proprietor. Be that as it may, for the most part, close family members, for example, sibling, father, mother, child, little girl, and companion can be co-proprietor of the property.


Just close family members are permitted to apply for a joint advance as a co-borrower. Companions, sisters or live in accomplice without marriage are not permitted to apply for a joint home advance.

 The the main feature of this Excel Utility:-
7)   Prepare At time 100 Employees  Excel Based  Form 16 Part B ( Modified Format of Form 16 Part B Vide CBDT Notification No.36/2019 Dated 12/04/2019 ]
8)   All the Amended Income Tax Section have in this utility as per Budget 2019
9)   You can print individual Form 16 Part  B
10)                     Most easy to install just like an Excel File
11)                     Easy to Fill all column
12)                     Automatic Convert the Amount to the In-Words

Joint Home Loan and Tax Benefits – Section 80C, 24 and 80EEA


You should know that EMI segment of home advance reimbursement is partitioned in two sections. Reimbursement of head segment and intrigue part. The tax cut is reached out on both head and intrigue reimbursement.


Section 80C – Tax Benefits on Principal Component


Section 80C of the annual expense permits charge derivation up to 1.5 Lakh. The expense derivation takes into account the sum contributed under different assessment sparing instruments, for example, PPF, Tax Saving FD, ELSS, NSC just as home credit head instalment.


Under a joint home credit, the reimbursement sum is separated according to proprietorship share. In the event that a property is held by two individuals with half possession rights, the all-out reimbursement sum will be partitioned into two sections. The two proprietors can guarantee tax breaks on head reimbursement under section 80C up to 1.5 Lakh.


The sum paid as stamp obligation and the enrollment expense is likewise permitted as duty derivation under Section 80C regardless of whether a home advance is taken or not.


The advantage of home credit head reimbursement is expanded simply after the development is finished and the challenge declaration is granted. A tax cut isn't taken into account under-development property.

 The the main feature of this Excel Utility:-
13)                     Prepare At time 50 Employees  Excel Based  Form 16 Part A&B ( Modified Format of Form 16 Part B Vide CBDT Notification No.36/2019 Dated 12/04/2019 ]
14)                     All the Amended Income Tax Section have in this utility as per Budget 2019
15)                     You can print individual Form 16 Part A&B
16)                     Most easy to install just like an Excel File
17)                     Easy to Fill all column
18)                     Automatic Convert the Amount to the In-Words

Section 24 – Tax Benefits on Interest Component


Section 24(B) permits tax reduction on the intrigue segment of home credit. The most extreme assessment conclusion permitted under section 24 for oneself involved property is 2 Lakh.


In the event that a property isn't self-involved there is no greatest breaking point on the case sum. The citizen can guarantee the whole intrigue reimbursement sum under the area 24.


If there should arise an occurrence of joint home advance, both co-proprietor can get an advantage up to 2 Lakh in the event of self-involved property.


The development of property ought to be finished inside 5 years subsequent to taking an advance. On the off chance that the development of the property isn't finished inside 5 years, generally, most extreme intrigue sums took into consideration charge finding would be Rs.30000.

 The the main feature of this Excel Utility:-
19)                     Prepare At time 50 Employees  Excel Based  Form 16 Part B ( Modified Format of Form 16 Part B Vide CBDT Notification No.36/2019 Dated 12/04/2019 ]
20)                     All the Amended Income Tax Section have in this utility as per Budget 2019
21)                     You can print individual Form 16 Part B
22)                     Most easy to install just like an Excel File
23)                     Easy to Fill all column
24)                     Automatic Convert the Amount to the In-Words

Section 80EE – Tax Benefits for First Time Buyers


In the spending limit 2019, another arrangement under area 80EE is included just because of home purchasers. According to the new arrangement of area 80EE, the new conclusion of 1.5 Lakh takes into consideration intrigue instalment on home advance.


The extra derivation is permitted from the money related the year 2019-20 onwards. This conclusion is on the highest point of the current segment 80C and area 24 tax cut.


This advantage is given uniquely just because purchaser and for the credit authorize period from first April 2019 to 31st March 2020. Furthermore, the stamp estimation of the property ought not to surpass 45 Lakh.


The sum referenced above is per individual. This implies if there should arise an occurrence of joint home credit, every individual reimbursing sum will get the advantage of the above area independently.


You required to outfit home credit explanation gave by the bank to guarantee the duty conclusions.

 The the main feature of this Excel Utility:-
25)                     Prepare At time 50 Employees  Excel Based  Form 16 Part B with 12 BA ( Modified Format of Form 16 Part B Vide CBDT Notification No.36/2019 Dated 12/04/2019 ]
26)                     All the Amended Income Tax Section have in this utility as per Budget 2019
27)                     You can print individual Form 16 Part B with 12 BA
28)                     Most easy to install just like an Excel File
29)                     Easy to Fill all column
30)                     Automatic Convert the Amount to the In-Words

The FAQ on Joint Home Loan


We have acquired joint property and taken Joint Home credit. My better half is paying whole home credit EMI from his record. Will both us guarantee tax cuts?


As whole home advance EMI is paid by your significant other from his record, he will just ready to guarantee annual tax cut under area 80C and segment 24.


I and my significant other was paying EMI of level in equivalent extent as a joint property holder. My significant other isn't working now and Entire EMI is paid from my record. Would I be able to guarantee the whole tax break?


In the event that you are a co-proprietor of the property and are reimbursing the whole credit then you will be qualified for 100% tax reductions under segment 80C and segment 24.


I and my significant other is holding 50-50 possession in the property. I am paying 75% of the EMI and she is paying to stay 25%. Would I be able to guarantee 75% conclusion on intrigue and half on head instalments?


No, you can either guarantee advantage in the extent of possession, or in the extent of commitment to EMI. You can guarantee 100% just if another borrower isn't contributing and you are paying 100% of EMI.

Joint Home Loan and Tax Benefits – Section 80C, 24 and 80EE


Joint home credit is commonly taken to upgrade home advance qualification. On the off chance that your close relative is salaried or independently employed, the person in question can be co-candidate for a home advance. So as to become co-candidate, he/she ought to be co-proprietor or joint proprietor of the property.


As of late, I have run over one episode identified with Home Loan. One of my partners had obtained a level in his name by taking a home advance. He began paying off EMI from his pay. At a later stage, his better half has likewise begun a vocation and acquiring a nice salary. He needed to spare expense from his significant other's salary by paying EMI of home credit. Nonetheless, as he has not taken a joint home credit his significant other couldn't guarantee the personal tax break.


There are numerous episodes like this where individuals don't know about Joint Home Loan tax breaks or because of the absence of future vision, they buy property on a solitary name by taking a home credit. To help them here is finished data about Joint Home credit including related advantages.

Essential to guarantee Tax Benefits on Property


           You must be a co-proprietor in the property – You should be a proprietor in the property to apply for tax breaks. An advance ought to be taken mutually. In the event that you are not the proprietor of a property, you can't guarantee tax breaks.


           You must be a co-borrower for the credit – The home advance ought to be taken as a joint home advance as a co-borrower. A co-borrower not adding to the EMI can't guarantee any tax cuts.


           The development of the property must be finished – The development of the property ought to be finished. Tax cuts are not stretched out for under-development properties.


Who can be Co-borrower or Co-proprietor in Joint Home Loan?


Anybody can be co-proprietor of the property. No law oversees who can be included as a joint proprietor. Be that as it may, by and large, close family members, for example, sibling, father, mother, child, little girl, and mate can be co-proprietor of the property.


Just close family members are permitted to apply for a joint credit as a co-borrower. Companions, sisters or live in accomplice without marriage are not permitted to apply for a joint home advance.


Joint Home Loan and Tax Benefits – Section 80C, 24 and 80EEA


You should know that EMI segment of home credit reimbursement is separated into two sections. Reimbursement of head part and intrigue segment. The tax cut is reached out on both head and intrigue reimbursement.


Segment 80C – Tax Benefits on Principal Component


Segment 80C of the personal duty permits charge conclusion up to 1.5 Lakh. The expense finding takes into consideration the sum contributed under different assessment sparing instruments, for example, PPF, Tax Saving FD, ELSS, NSC just as home advance head instalment.


Under a joint home credit, the reimbursement sum is separated according to proprietorship share. On the off chance that a property is held by two individuals with half proprietorship rights, the absolute reimbursement sum will be partitioned into two sections. The two proprietors can guarantee tax cuts on head reimbursement under segment 80C up to 1.5 Lakh.


The sum paid as stamp obligation and the enrollment expense is likewise permitted as duty conclusion under Section 80C regardless of whether a home advance is taken or not.


The advantage of home credit head reimbursement is broadened simply after the development is finished and the challenge endorsement is granted. A tax cut isn't taken into consideration under-development property. 

Download All in One TDS on Salary for Non-Govt Employees for the F.Y. 2019-20 With H.R.A. Exemption Calculation U/s 10(13A) +Automated Form 12 BA for F.Y. 2019-20+ Automated Revised Form 16 Part B andForm 16 Part A&B for F.Y. 2019-20

The feature of this Excel The utility is the following:-
1) This Excel Utility can prepare automatic Tax Calculation as per new Finance Budget 2019
2) The Salary Structure as per the All of Non-Govt(Private) employee’s Salary Pattern
3) Automated Individually Salary Sheet for each Employee
4) Automated Income Tax Salary Sheet for each Employee 
5) This Excel Utility calculate your House Rent Exemption Calculation U/s 10(13A)
6) Automated Income Tax Revised Form 16 Part A&B for F.Y. 2019-20 in New Format
7) Automated Income Tax Revised Form 16 Part B for the F.Y. 2019-20 in New Format

Section 24 – Tax Benefits on Interest Component

Section 24 permits tax cut on the intrigue segment of home advance. The greatest expense derivation permitted under section 24 for oneself involved property is 2 Lakh.


On the off chance that a property isn't self-involved there is no greatest point of confinement on the case sum. The citizen can guarantee the whole intrigue reimbursement sum under section 24.


If there should be an occurrence of joint home credit, both co-proprietor can get advantage up to 2 Lakh in the event of self-involved property.


The development of property ought to be finished inside 5 years in the wake of taking an advance. On the off chance that the development of the property isn't finished inside 5 years, generally, most extreme intrigue sums took into consideration charge conclusion would be Rs.30000