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Showing posts with label Income Tax Form 10 E. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Income Tax Form 10 E. Show all posts

Friday 6 August 2021


 Allowance - 'Salary' for calculating income. An allowance is a fixed amount of money that an

 the employer pays an employee to cover certain expenses, personal or in the performance of his or her


Medical Allowances

These allowances are generally taxable and are included in the total salary unless a specific discount is given in the case of any such allowance. Specific exemptions have been granted for allowances under the following categories:

(i) H.R.A.- Section 10 (13A)- House Rent Allowances

(ii) Scheduled Special Allowance - Section 10 (14)


The above allowances will be waived in full or up to a certain limit and the balance, if any, will be taxable and thus included in the total salary.

You may also, like- Automated Income TaxPreparation Excel Based Software All in One for the Non-Govt(Private) Employees for the F.Y.2021-22 as per Budget 2021 [This Excel Utility can prepare at a time your Income Tax Computed Sheet as per new and old tax regime U/s 115 BAC + Individual Salary Structure as per all Non-Govt Employees Salary Pattern + Automated Income Tax Form 12 BA + Automated H.R.A. Calculation U/s 10(13A) + Automated Income Tax Revised Form 16 Part A&B and Part B]

Allowances from Salary

The full entertainment allowance received by an employee is first included in the total salary and then under section 16 (ii) only a government employee is exempted from the total salary due to such entertainment allowance which has already been included.

Allowances from Salary

Some allowance treatments are as follows:

1. H.R.A.-U/s 10 (13A) and [Rule 2A]

Amount of discount: The following three limits:

 Kolkata / Mumbai /  Delhi / Chennai Other Cities

(i) Allowance actually received Allowance actually received

(ii) More than 10% of the rent has been paid

(iii) 50% of salary 40% of salary


Exemption for HRA is based on the following:

(1) Salary

(2) Accommodation

(3) Rent has been paid

(4) Received HRA.

As long as there is no change in any of the above factors can be counted together for that period. Whenever any of the above changes, it should be calculated separately until the next change.

 You may also, like- Automated Income Tax Salary Arrears Received Calculator U/s 89(1) with Form 10 E for the F.Y.2021-22



Income Tax Form 10 E

Income Tax Form 10 E

2. Prescribed special allowance which is exempt from a certain amount - Section 10 (14)

(i) Special allowance for discharge of government duties: 

These allowances are not of a favorable nature in the sense of section 17 (2) and are specifically allowed to cover expenses in full, necessarily and exclusively in the case of official duties or for-profit employment. These allowances will be discounted to the extent that they are actually spent for that purpose. [Section 10 (14) (i)].

These allowances are: 

A. Academic Allowance:

Whatever allowance may be given in any name to encourage academic, research and training practice in educational and research institutions; 

B. Uniform Allowance:

An allowance, whatever the name may be is used to cover the cost of purchasing or maintaining uniforms for office wear or for profit.


The above allowances will be discounted to the following minimum amount:

1. Received actual allowance.

2. Actual money has been spent for office or job responsibilities.

These allowances can be of two types:

1. The amount of allowance received or the prescribed limit, whichever is less is limited.


A. Children's education allowance:

The actual amount received per child or discount up to 100 p.m. Up to a maximum of 2 children per child, whichever is less.


B. Hostel Cost Allowance:

The actual amount received per child or discount up to 300 p.m. Up to two children per child, whichever is less.



(1) An appraiser claiming a waiver in respect of the allowance referred to under section (h) above shall not be entitled to a waiver in the case of allowance in the volatile area mentioned under section (e) above.


(2) It may be noted that the allowances mentioned in paragraph 4.13b above are exempted from the amount or limit of the amount received, whichever is less. In this case, there is no relevance to the actual expenditure. For example, if an employee gets Rs 2,000 as a transport allowance for travel between accommodation and duty and actually spends Rs 1,200. For this purpose, in this case, the discount would be 1,600 pm even though the money actually spent was 1200 pm


(3). Recreation allowance treatment

This cut is only allowed for one government employee. Private employees will not be eligible for any discount due to the entertainment allowance received by them.


In the case of entertainment allowance, the wife is not entitled to any discount but she is entitled to deduction under section 16 (ii) from the total salary. Therefore, the full entertainment allowance received by any employee is added to the calculation of the total salary. The Government servant is entitled to a deduction from the total salary under section 16 (ii) within the following 3 limits due to such entertainment allowance.


1. Actual entertainment allowance received in the previous year.


2. 20% of his salary excluding any allowance, benefits or other accessories.


3. 5,000 rupees.


Download Automated Income Tax Preparation Excel Based Software All in One for the Government & Non-Government (Private) Employees for the F.Y.2021-22 and A.Y.2022-23

Salary Allowances

Medical Allowances
Income Tax Form 10 E
Income Tax Form 16

Feature of this Excel Utility:-


1) This Excel utility prepares and calculates your income tax as per the New Section 115 BAC (New and Old Tax Regime)


2) This Excel Utility has an option where you can choose your option as New or Old Tax Regime


3) This Excel Utility has a unique Salary Structure for Government and Non-Government Employee’s Salary Structure.


4) Automated Income Tax Arrears Relief Calculator U/s 89(1) with Form 10E from the F.Y.2000-01 to F.Y.2021-22 (Update Version)


5) Automated Income Tax Revised Form 16 Part A&B for the F.Y.2021-22


6) Automated Income Tax Revised Form 16 Part B for the F.Y.2021-22

Friday 28 May 2021


Salary Arrears Relief Calculator U/s 89(1)| If you received arrears of salary/pension in the previous financial year 2121-22, your tax liability will increase due to arrears, but did you know that you can double your income from arrears? You can get relief on 89 (1) of the Year and Income Tax Act, 19 of 1 on a conceptual basis. 

Income Tax Arrears Relief Calculator U/s 89(1)

We have developed a unique Excel-based calculator which will be helpful to calculate relief under Section 89 (1) of the Autofill Form 10E for recovery of arrears received in F, Y 2021-22 and the arrears are the oldest till the financial year 2000-01. 

This calculator used for offline use. 

How it works 

This calculator calculates both sides that are a present financial year and also the past/relevant financial year. , relief will be available under section89 (1) otherwise nothing is available. There is no benefit in distributing arrears over the years. 

Terms of use. Note / Calculator usage questions 

All you have to do is fill in the white column. If the bucket corresponds to a few years compared to the year provided on the sheet, fill in the blanks in other unnecessary years. 

All white cells are only necessary which is not mandatory to fill. Fill in the blanks where no image is required 

Select the option as new or old tax under section 115 (calculator is not working for very senior citizens). You must select the status each year. Make sure the status is selected correctly 

Fill in the total income with all other income and excluding arrears such as Section 80C, 80cc, 80D, 80G ... 80U, etc. after all discounts 

Fill in the arrears for the year 2021-22 under the corresponding year. The total will automatically appear under F.Y 2021-22. 

The arrears column (C-11 of the calculation sheet) is protected and cannot be edited under FY 2021-22. If you receive arrears with F.Y 2020-21 then it is not covered by the definition of arrears and F.Y 2020-21. Inclusion of total income (C-10 of the calculation sheet). 

The result is out if the total is A> Total B, relief will be shown under section 89 (1), otherwise, 0 will be displayed. Form 10 E, more forms with relevant additions will be filled automatically with Table-1


1. The calculation of long-term capital gain is not covered in this calculator. So if you have any LTCG in previous years that need to be calculated, this calculator will not help you. 

2. Income tax at special rates like a tax on short-term capital gains on equity shares/securities also does not fall under this calculator

Automatic Salary Arrears Relief Calculator U / S 89( 1) along with  Form 10E from the F.Y 2000-01  to the F.Y.2021-22 (Updated Version) as per Budget 2021

Master Data Input Sheet
Income Tax Form 10 E Annexure-I
Income Tax Arrears Relief form 10 E


Saturday 22 May 2021



Choosing between old and new tax slabs before paying taxes. Mains is 33 years old. Rakes works in an IT company and earns eight lakh rupees annually. He can learn about the new tax slab in the budget announcement. He now wants to know if the new tax slabs will be more beneficial to him or whether he should continue with the existing tax system.


See the table 'Tax Slabs: Old and new'. Paid employees can choose between one of the two systems and even switch between one financial year to the next. However, traders can only choose their tax slab once. They must continue with them after they do it.

You may also, like- Download And Prepare at a time 50 Employees Form 16 Part B for the F.Y.2020-21 as per new and old tax regime

Income Tax form 16 Part B

In the existing (old) tax system, one can claim various exemptions and rebates. On the other hand, the new tax slabs have been simplified. They do not have any concessions or exemptions for agricultural income except for a few miscellaneous like cashing in for retirement. Moreover, they have below tax rates.

Here is the tax that man has to pay under the existing tax system and under the new one. 

Tax slab

Existing tax slab:

The existing tax system allows for many discounts and rebates that can reduce your taxable income. Rakes have the following:

Standard discount

A flat discount of Rs 50,000 is allowed for all salaried and pensioners.

Home Rent Allowance (HRA) 

Rakes lives in a rented house for which he pays Rs 15,000 per month. The basic salary and HRA components of Rake’s annual salaries are Rs 4 lakh and Rs 2 lakh respectively. He can claim a tax deduction of Rs 1.4 lakh on HRA by producing a rent receipt, rent agreement, and his landlord's pan.

How to calculate your HRA

Your HRA entitlement should be at least one of the following:

H The original HRA was obtained

Rent pays minus 10% of basic rent basic salary and if there is any increment allowance (DA)

A 50% basic salary and DA (if any) if you live in a metro city, otherwise 40% 

Provident fund discount

Four thousand rupees were deducted from Manish's salary every month. This leads to its mandatory provident-fund contribution, which is eligible for tax exemption under section 80C. If Rakes continues in the old regime, his taxable income of Rs 48,000 (4,000 × 12) can be further reduced Tax liability

You may also, like- Download And Prepare at a time 50 Employees Form 16 Part A&B for the F.Y.2020-21 as per new and old tax regime 

Income Tax form 16 Part A&B

After considering the above discounts, Rake’s taxable income will be Rs 5,62,000. His tax will be Rs 25,896. Moreover, Rakes can less his tax burden to zero by investing above than Rs 62,000 U/s 80C. Section 80C has many investment opportunities such as Public Provident Fund, Five Year FD, National Savings Certificate, etc. Of these.


We recommend the Tax-Savings Mutual Fund, called the Equity-Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS), which is the best in terms of returns. Rakes can make a SIP of Rs 5,200 in a good tax-saving mutual fund throughout the financial year.


This will reduce the amount of his taxable income to Rs five lakh, after which he will be able to claim a rebate of Rs 12,500 under section 87A. This will reduce its tariff liability to zero. 

New tax slab 

The new tax slabs have simplified taxation and reduced tax rates in the absence of any rebates, but as can be seen in the table below, someone's tax may actually increase. 

Taxable Income

 Even if Rakes fails to invest Rs 5,200 per month in the tax-saving fund as suggested above, he will still incur losses under the new tax system. He will have to pay an additional Rs 20,900 in taxes. So, Rakes should continue with the old tax system.

You may also, like- DownloadAnd Prepare at a time 100 Employees Form 16 Part B for the F.Y.2020-21 as per the new and old tax regime


Income Tax Form 16 Part A&B

 Although Rakes will be able to reduce his tax liability to zero by investing only Rs 5,200 / month, he should not be stopped there. He should try to save more to meet her various goals.


He should also have a fund equivalent to spending at least six months. It may be maintained in a collaboration of sweep-in fixed deposits and liquid funds. If he is financially dependent, he should buy an authentic term plan. Its premium is also exempt under Section 80C finally; a medical emergency can be financially tedious. Thus, adequate health insurance cover is essential.


How to choose between old and new tax structures


See the table 'More useful structures'. It shows that if you have a discount of Rs 2,755,000 (Standard discount, 1.5 lakh 80C limit, 50,000 additional NPS contribution under Section80CCD (1B), and medical insurance premium of Rs 25,000 under Section 80D) and Go for a discount, however, if your income is up to Rs 15 lakh, you can pay much less tax on the existing system.


The difference beyond this amount is nominal and one can choose it for the convenience of new tax slabs. Of course, if you are able to claim more discounts and rebates, your tax liability may be lower.

 Tax Structure

Download Automated Income Tax Arrears Relief Calculator U/s89 (1) with Form 10 E from the F.Y.2000-01 to F.Y.2021-22 (Updated Version)

Data Input Sheet
Income Tax Form 10 E
Income Tax Form 10 E